
May 11, 2014

My Gift To You

Happy Mother’s Day everyone! In honor of all Mothers who had to give their children back, and as my way of paying it forward and my gift to all of you, I am offering my book ‘Losing Alex’ for the kindle for FREE for a few days. Here’s the Link...

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December 29, 2012

Babies are not supposed to die. End of story.

Ever since that dreadful, beautiful day where I held and lost my son, I felt a strong need to keep his memory alive. This was not an easy task. It was easier at first. People sent beautiful sympathy cards, flowers. Being part of a support group and speaking with other...

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December 26, 2012

Losing Alex

My new book is finally out and I could not be prouder! This is truly a labor of love. Alexander Luciano “Alex” was stillborn at full term, on March 1st, 1995 @ 4:29 AM.  He actually died the day before he was due, on February 25th, 1995. He weighed 5...

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