health care
Where is the Love?
I’ve been lucky. I come from a very loving family. My husband is amazing and a great dad. Even my ex is a truly caring dad. My kids are the most amazing, loving, compassionate people. I am so proud of the young men they have become. I like to think...
It Begs the Question
I was watching “The View” this morning and it got me real upset. Megan McCain, who has no children, let alone sick children, can spew out her superior “Pro-Life” views (It’s “Murder”” she screams, over and over again), but what begs the question is WHY her party consistently and persistently...
Blog Quotes
Sometimes, when I sit down and think about it, I forget that the kind of stuff we deal with on a daily basis isn’t normal for most people. I forget, because after 20 years, they are normal for us, and even though I have a healthy child to remind me...
The Hard Work of Being Hopeful
Society as a whole is filled with nice people. I met a ton of these kind people, whose heart is filled with kindness and generosity. But I don’t live in a bubble. I know some people are cruel. I know there is hate in this world. I know there is racism,...
Mental Struggles
Every three months I have an appointment with my psychiatrist and I strangely look forward to it. He is not a therapist per se, we do talk about my mental struggles, but I do not spend an hour blabbing about my problems. I say “strangely” because before my appointment I...
You Can Thank Me Later
On my last post I talked about Insurance Companies and the hell they put me through the past 17+ years. I also explained why they bother me so much-the endless bills they do not pay or refuse to pay when they should, my two bankruptcies, and the simple fact that...
Should it bother me?
I have to admit it. Through my trials of the past nearly 18 years, not much seems to bother me anymore. I am amazed at the thick skin (pun intended) I’ve developed over the years. I chuckle daily at the things people complain about on Facebook or other social networks,...
What is the American Dream anyway?
“Everywhere around the world, they are coming to America”… that’s the words of a song by Neil Diamond which always pulled at my heartstrings. America always enticed me, and while I never planned to live here per se, the idea of adventure, success and fun was always synonymous to it. I grew...
Ways to go…
I was adding a few things to the book I am currently writing about Nicky’s life, which is nowhere near done and I was stunned when I realized I already wrote almost 200 pages, and I have 10+ more years of stories to go. These are not 200 pages filled...
Worth Reposting
In late October 2010, a little over a year ago, I put my heart on a sleeve and vented. My opinions are not those of a politician I chose to believe, or handed down by a parent, since my parents never talked about American Politics and I had no idea...