
October 5, 2015

Suspend Belief

After I lost Alex at full term 20 years ago, the one thing I could not do is watch anything “dramatic” on TV or the movies. “ER” was popular back then and I avoided it like the plague. 20 years later, Medical Dramas are still hard for me to watch....

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January 12, 2015


A few years ago I had a brief encounter with a little girl that I am still thinking about. I was at Children Hospital Los Angeles with my boys; Nicky had an appointment with the endocrinologist (I think?) and on our way out a couple was behind us with this...

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July 14, 2013

Just Smile!

I had a great friend yesterday ask me if I could write a blog about how people should handle things when they see a child that is disabled. Different. What do they say to the parent? Anything? Should they avoid the child or engage? What’s the appropriate thing to do?...

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