
March 12, 2019

Nicky’s G-Tube Ordeal

Late last year Nicky started having issues with his G-tube. This is the same g-tube that he has had since March 2000, and we’ve had minor issues since then, but lately it was hurting, more and more, and nothing was helping. After trips to his Doctor and the ER, tube...

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May 5, 2014

Here’s The Latest…

Nicky’s having a rough time right now. Just when he was able to clear his throat by chocking up a piece of skin-not a pleasant thing, since now he has a wound in his throat that needs to heal-he is now dealing with a big piece of skin torn from...

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January 4, 2012

Rotten Tomatoes

It’s true with anything, anywhere in the world. You give something for free for people in need and some will take absolute and complete advantage of it, making someone else suffer in turn because they are taking something away from those who desperately need it. But what do we do,...

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