
April 24, 2020

Yes, RDEB Gets Worse With Age.

RDEB gets worse with age. It really does. Not all forms of EB get worse with age, but Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa definitely does. I try my best to be upbeat and positive, … to smile… “Nicky’s going to beat this”, yadda yadda, then on some days like yesterday, all...

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January 25, 2016

Working Toward EB Awareness

For the past several months I’ve been hosting a show called “Butterfly Talk” (radio: BlogTalkRadio/podcast: iTunes) where I interview different personalities that are working toward EB Awareness or offer information in regards to EB at large. My mission is to get these individual’s EB awareness efforts recognized, mostly because EB being...

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September 6, 2015

Epidermolysis Bullosa Needs a Cure NOW!

A few weeks ago I read a comment from someone stating how great the advancements for a cure for EB were coming along and how they were happy to wait. I just bowed my head. Just in the past couple of years so many children with EB, similar to Nicky...

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