August 2018

August 29, 2018

Harness Your Power

A recent visit to the ER for my son Nicky powerfully reminded me how much power we have, as parents of children with rare diseases, to control the situation. To control how we are treated. To make sure we are listened to. We are, after all, the experts on our kids!...

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August 23, 2018

Blog Quotes

If there was one thing I’d want everyone to know it’s to please be aware that parents of special kids, especially those with lethal conditions, are hurting. Badly. So, when you see a parent pushing a child in a wheelchair at the grocery store or at Target, send them a...

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August 21, 2018

The Constant Battles Exhaust Me

It’s that time of year where depression sets in. The time where “vacations” are over and it’s back to the old grind. Of course, the fact that Nicky is having the corneal abrasion from HELL doesn’t help at all. It’s the constant battles, every time you turn around, that exhaust...

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August 12, 2018

What I’m Into {July/August 2018 Edition}

What I am watching I am a huge Trekkie as my friends know. I used to go to Star Trek conventions back in the early 90s! I am also, shall we say, an equal opportunity Trekkie. I like all Trek shows, movies, all the time, unlike my sweet hubby who...

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August 9, 2018

My Take-away from the Debra’s Patient Care Conference 2018

Going to the PCC is always a treat. The first Conference I attended with Nicky was the one held in Los Angeles in 1999. It seems like forever ago. Nicky was 2.5 years old and by then I had many “online” friends which I had the absolute pleasure to...

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August 1, 2018

Tomato Risotto

As Italian as you can get, this was a dish my mom made all the time!!! I wish I could say you could use “any” rice to make this, but Arborio is the rice you should use for this dish. Thankfully you can now find this type of rice anywhere...

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