Blog · April 23, 2016

Fight With Cowgirl Spirit

As many of you know I read a LOT of books. And in my humble opinion I don’t read enough! But I wanted to take 5 minutes out of my day to let everyone know about this particular book I am reading right now because it’s really, really inspirational.

I came across this book about a year ago when I was in the midst of publishing my book Butterfly Child. You see, I met this woman, Sharyl Saver. Well, not met her in person, but we did talk online. Her daughter Caylin Marie died in April 2000 from Junctional Herlitz EB at roughly 6 weeks of age.

When I came across this book I had no idea she had passed away and when I found the website for her book I was heartbroken.  In 2007 Sharyl was diagnosed with Breast Cancer which took her life 4 years later. The book is basically her fight against cancer and her resilience, and it consists of all the blogs she wrote from the time she was diagnosed until her demise.

I am not even done with the book yet, I am roughly half-way through it, but I noticed that a lot of her realizations, her fight to have hope and her struggles to live for today mirror a lot of what I am going through with Nicky and I can’t recommend it enough.

It would be so easy to just have a pity party every day, and as she states in the book, she does have her lows and her despairing moments, but what helps me by reading her words is how, despite the grim diagnose, she still lives her life to the fullest.

Thank you Sharyl <3

Love & Light,

