Blog · December 26, 2012

Losing Alex

My new book is finally out and I could not be prouder! This is truly a labor of love.

Alexander Luciano “Alex” was stillborn at full term, on March 1st, 1995 @ 4:29 AM.  He actually died the day before he was due, on February 25th, 1995. He weighed 5 lb 13 oz and was 19.5 in long. At the time we were told that he died of a cord accident, but after his little brother was born with a skin disorder called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) it is very likely he had the same thing too. EB could have played a major part in his demise.

There are no words that can accurately explain what it feels like to hold your dead newborn. It’s like a stake through your heart. We’ll never forget the wonderful treatment we were offered by the nurses and staff at “Desert Samaritan Hospital” in Mesa AZ. They treated Alex with respect and love. Not only they took pictures of him, they bathed him, cut a lock of hair and dressed him with a cute angel diaper and bonnet. They did not take him away until we all said our good-byes.


I cried a million tears writing this book-part of it were written 17 years ago. That’s how long it took for me to convey all my feelings into one little package. It is my sincere hope that everyone that reads it can come out with ‘something’. I am not exactly thrilled how the kindle formatted my neat, perfect PDF, but it’s OK. The story is all there. I might take a look at it later and see if I can fix it.


Here is the link on Amazon for the Kindle–>

If you don’t have a Kindle, no worries. Amazon aims to please. Besides all the Free Kindle Apps available for the various smartphones and tablets, they also have apps for your PC/Mac and you can even read it on your browser. GO HERE TO SEE!!! If you like it, please rate it or leave a review, I would tremendously appreciate it!!

If you prefer the ‘paper’ version, I have two links for you.
The first one is over at Lulu:

Second Link is at Amazon:

I wrote Alex’s story as the beginning of the book I am writing about my son Nicholas, who is 16 years old as I write this and has RDEB (Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa). I feel this story stands alone and might be helpful to other parents facing similar circumstances.

I have had some people ask if we have a donation page set up for Nicky and his medical needs… we do not. We sure could have used one when Nicky was born and the insurance refused to pay for bandages which led us to our bankruptcy. Just a slap in the face for being unlucky enough to have a child that is not healthy. Sweet. We do have a lot of co-pays and Nicky loves his videogames, and of course I am unable to work full time due to his many needs. At this point I think the best way for anyone to help us is to support my books. Besides Losing Alex, I have two others out right now, Special Mommy Chronicles and Living with Epidermolysis Bullosa (which supports and helps me pay for Not only you will be helping my family and by purchasing these books, but you will be spreading awareness. It will also legitimize the book I am currently writing about Nicky’s life. It won’t be out for a couple of years, there is so much to tell and I want it to be comprehensive. I have another couple of books in mind to write later on and since I can do this from home it’s a great way to help my family. But if my books don’t sell, it defeats the whole purpose. So, if you could support my books, that’s really all I want. I would SO appreciate it!!! <3

Please LIKE the page I made for Alex’s Book on Facebook…

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