
April 26, 2019

One Day without EB

This year, so far, has been horrible. I try to do fun things and distract myself as much as I can, but the undeniable truth is there, always there. Nicky is in pain. Always. At this point we’re waiting for a sleuth of appointments with various specialists (GI, Dermatologist, hydrotherapy...

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March 1, 2018

Happy Birthday Alex!

I am not sure I mentioned lately how much I absolutely love and adore my husband. He actually has a reminder on his phone to “comfort me” at this time of year. And he does. His strong hugs are so helpful to me I am not sure he knows how...

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February 27, 2018

Blog Quotes

The contradiction of it all is that parents of special need children find their strength not truly in themselves, but through their love for their child. If this election cycle has taught me anything is how to raise my standards. I see people go so low it’s disgraceful. If any...

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February 19, 2018

Alex’s Anniversary

It’s late February. It’s inevitable. Everything affects me more deeply. I find myself being more melancholy, my grief is more intense, disabling, confusing and all-consuming. My son Alex should be 23 years old in a few days. I didn’t just lose a baby these many years ago, I lost a...

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January 30, 2017

Our Unique Grief

There is a unique kind of grieving that special need parents live with every single day. Yes, we like to live our lives as normal as possible, but then, SLAM, something happens that reminds us how fragile our children’s lives really are. True enough, my Nicky is beating the odds, he’s...

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May 23, 2013


In 9 days one of my biggest dreams will come true… I will graduate from College with a Double Degree in two areas I adore, Graphic Design and Digital Imaging. I will be official in being what makes me, ME. It’s a huge accomplishment.  I will relish that moment and...

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December 29, 2012

Babies are not supposed to die. End of story.

Ever since that dreadful, beautiful day where I held and lost my son, I felt a strong need to keep his memory alive. This was not an easy task. It was easier at first. People sent beautiful sympathy cards, flowers. Being part of a support group and speaking with other...

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