Blog / Silvia's Blog Quotes · March 25, 2018

Blog Quotes

Sometimes, when I sit down and think about it, I forget that the kind of stuff we deal with on a daily basis isn’t normal for most people. I forget, because after 20 years, they are normal for us, and even though I have a healthy child to remind me of the opposite, I choose to just live my day without comparing.

Do not let anyone tell you that is foolish to have hope. It’s what keeps me going. Hope is that little bitty light at the end of the tunnel that keeps you moving forward.

 I will keep fighting for decent health-care, for women’s rights, for decency, for LOVE and reject hate at every cost. My secret weapon is Faith, Hope & Love.

Nicky hates EB. Hates it. At times he’s absolutely livid with anger over his condition. It’s not often, mind, but it does happen.

Nicky didn’t come with an instruction manual, and since every child with EB is different, even if I had had a manual, I am not sure it would have helped much.

If having a child with severe RDEB has taught me anything is that none escape the deadly consequences. So knowing my son’s heart at the moment is still beating is not something I take for granted.