Blog / Silvia's Blog Quotes · August 21, 2019

Blog Quotes

As new clinical trials have become available once he was a teenager, I felt it was important to question the usefulness of each treatment. Sometimes the treatment causes horrible suffering and offers only a brief or limited relief. And that’s IF they work. It’s extremely important to distinguish between a genuinely useful treatment and one that curelly creates the illusion of hope.
Once an area gets wounded, it’s much easier to wound again, the more it gets wounded, the more fragile it becomes.
Only through awareness we can ever hope for a cure.
The day just does not seem complete unless I either step on a piece of Mepilex or I find one on the floor somewhere, usually yucky, BTW. File under “Life of an EB Mom”.
I echo the words of Cheryl Strayed from the movie WILD: “I want a fucking miracle”.
A friend is not a friend if they feel the need to constantly insult your beliefs. Respect my beliefs and I will respect yours. Simple courtesy is so lacking these days…