Blog · November 17, 2014

Nicky Meets Nick!

First of all, I must apologize for not posting more often. I love to write and writing is my therapy, and I do have a lot to talk about. Lately however, I am knee deep and almost done writing my book Butterfly Child and it’s been quite emotional to say the least. Writing a biography is a risky and draining endeavor. In a way I cannot wait to be done, just so I can put everything behind me and move forward. I want this book to be able to help people and I can tell that getting everything on paper has been enormously therapeutic. I’ve gained much prospective by reflecting on the past, reflecting on my life, my mistakes and my growth.

I’ve also been working on my house and my mantra right now is… edit, edit, edit! I’ve thrown away all kinds of old magazines, broken toys and broken furniture we for some reason were ‘saving’. Ugh. I also gave away all sorts of old toys, clothes and God knows what else as a huge donation to the Vietnam Vets of America. I am not even close to be done. I want to get everything together before I start working again. We’ll see how it goes.

As if that’s not enough, I took a day off from my book writing and house cleaning to revamp my website today and I am very happy with the results. I am always doing something I guess. In the new year I will restart posting stuff there as well since I feel I’ve been neglecting it a bit.

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OK, so this amazing man, Nick Vujicic, saw my Nicky on TV several months ago and when Nicky had his ‘Pastry Chef’ day at Carrara Pastries, he sent over an assortment of books and DVDs and let us know he wanted to meet Nicky. For those that are unfamiliar with Nick Vujicic, he is an Australian Christian evangelist and motivational speaker born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organization Life Without Limbs. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide which focus on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life.

Nicky was unfamiliar with Nick when presented with the books and DVDs from Nick’s caregiver, but I had to do a double-take. Just the day before I had picked up his biography at the Good Will store “Life Without Limits” and the collection of books he gave us did not included that one. I was amazed. I showed Nicky a couple of his videos and he really enjoyed them, he loved his attitude and his mantra of wanting to be happy, so I kept in touch with his manager to see where we could meet him, which ended up being in an event in Ventura. For those that told me to make sure to give him a hug, please know, I gave him a hug!!!! 🙂

I will try to post more often, not just EB stuff, but random things as well, since as a caregiver and mom, while a lot of my life revolves around EB, it’s not all I am interested in. I have another genealogy blog in mind and other things as well.

Nicky will be 18 in 9 days… can you believe? My next post will be of his birthday for sure.

Much love and light… Happy Turkey day!

