Blog / Nicky's Life · May 12, 2015

Nicky’s Life Part 1


On the Facebook page I have for the book I wrote about my journey raising a child with RDEB called Butterfly Child, I started posting a few images from Nicky’s first years and commenting on either what was going on at the time or explaining things about the picture per se. As time moves on I will move on as Nicky ages.

This “picture commentary” will serve as a companion for anyone that is kind enough to purchase and read my book as my appreciation and thanks.

This is the first one I posted in late April and this is what I wrote below:

August 1997 – Nicky was 9 months old in this picture. It was so hard to give him a bath even back then. I resorted in inflating a little soft tub with a towel at the bottom for softness and just doing it in the bedroom so I could easily take him out without hurting him. The damage to his hands is quite evident. He already had permanently lost quite a few fingernails. Precious and adorable, my little warrior!

Here’s the link on where to purchase the book if interested:

Love & Light,

