On the Facebook page I have for the book I wrote about my journey raising a child with RDEB called Butterfly Child, I started posting a few images from Nicky’s first years and commenting on either what was going on at the time or explaining things about the picture per se. As time moves on I will move on as Nicky ages.
This “picture commentary” will serve as a companion for anyone that is kind enough to purchase and read my book as my appreciation and thanks.
This is the second one I posted in late April and this is what I wrote below:
September 1997 – This is the day Nicky got baptized and dedicated at his Nonna’s church (yes, the gorgeous lady next to me is Nicky’s grandma, his dad’s mom!) in Alamogordo (NM). The priest picked him up by his armpits and I just about had a heart attack! Thankfully he was well padded/bandaged under his clothes so he didn’t get hurt at all. Phew! Despite it all, it was a beautiful moment…
Here’s the link on where to purchase the book if interested:
Love & Light,