Blog / Nicky's Life · May 19, 2016

Nicky’s Life Part 40

12771748_440506536147260_2940476914380119275_oMy little guy!

Nicky here was 1 month old, this photo taken on New Year’s Eve 1996.

I had just gotten his face all healed up from the scratches he had on his face due to his nails, so at that time I resorted in putting gloves on him to prevent further damage. I tried to use the softest clothes and covered his skin as much as I could to prevent any possibility of blistering. I started getting his hands “out” at 4 months, but he lost all his nails by the time he was 1 year old. A blessings in disguise, truly.

More of Nicky’s story in the book… Thank you so much for your support!!

Love & Light,



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