At one point or another in life we have to rely on some aspect of belief to get us through the tough patches of our existence on earth. This is why religions of all kinds sprung up at an early stage of our human evolution. Our souls needed something to believe in. Weather we believe in a supreme energy, a God of some sort, our souls evolving and learning, or even if we believe in nothing and are just muddling through, any kind of way we decide to survive it’s the right path for us as long as it works in getting us through it to the other side of understanding, acceptance and healing.
I suppose my gripe is how some religions decide to throw certain kinds of people under the bus, in an effort to elevate ourselves. I never understood that. Aren’t religions supposed to bring us together? Aren’t religions preaching about loving one another? Aren’t religions supposed to make us better human beings?
After living in North America for over 30 years, and especially in California, a melting pot of cultures and beliefs, it’s quite confusing to me how in one day I can hang out with one person that can be so racist and condemning of others, and then another, hang out with another person so calm and meek, that can be so accepting of everyone and everything. Every kind of person that can exists, I have met here.
I often say to people that childhood and the first part of our life can truly shape us in ways we don’t even recognize. Our further experiences in life can either strengthen or weaken that belief. I see it in my son Connor often. He’s so different from kids his age. Having seen first hand the difficulties Nicky goes through on a daily basis and the struggles of his dad, he’s this little being that can be so crazy and so incredibly compassionate. Compassion for others is truly a gift, no matter how you slice it.
I often come across people that are so uncompassionate towards other’s difficulties, wether financial or emotional it leaves an extreme bitter taste in my mouth. It honestly makes my stomach turn. No matter the situation, they must find a way to bad-mouth them.
Oh.. they are on food stamps, they must be lazy.
Oh… they are on welfare… they must be drug addicts or losers.
Oh… they have an electric car, they must be adults living in their mom’s house.
Oh… they had a bankruptcy, why do people live beyond their means?
Oh… they are gay or transgender… why would they “choose” that (as if it was a choice).
Oh… they live in a trailer park, they must be ghetto.
I could go on… and on, but you get my drift. Why must we think the worse of people? Sure, perhaps a small percentage of people do fit that description, but why do we have to go there immediately?
Why do we assume that ALL people in difficulties brought it on themselves?
I can speak from experience when I tell you, HOGWASH!
Guess what.
I’ve been on food stamps, welfare, I have a Prius, I had two bankruptcies and I lived in a trailer. I must be the trashiest of all white trash, right?
Yet, I’ve worked extremely hard in my life. I worked 90 hours weeks, I held managerial positions, I went to College while working and taking care of my son with RDEB and my husband after he suffered 2 strokes.
Religions and beliefs are unfortunately in the “judging” business and it’s wrong. It’s just wrong. Stop judging and start understanding. Live in peace and help your fellow humans. THAT is what religions are all about.
Love & Light,